Monday, March 23, 2009


I have been putting a lot of thought into the computers that will be in my FMP, originally i had mocked up a couple of designs that were close enough to computers to be recognized but had a minimalist, abstract style to make them more futuristic. I spent some time looking at the future of real computer ideas like flexible screens and holographic interactive displays then i looked at computers used in films.

Arizona State University’s Flexible Display Centers prototype in association with HP.

Interface from "minority report" based on real life "gesture-controlled prototype" from MIT

Dixon advert version.

I liked the way the computers in "Ironman" were done, not necessarily futuristic at all but nice and clerical, also the environment there in was not futuristically/ customary furnished this fits with the style i want perfectly.

Odd that Tony Starks servers are made by Dell but never mind.

For the design of what actuary going on the screen iv been looking into the professionals that make the interfaces for film like Mark Coleran who made futuristic screens and UI designs for The Bourne Ultimatum, Children of Men, Mission Impossible 3, The Island, The Bourne Identity, Tomb Raider, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and other films.

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