Thursday, December 3, 2009


I decided to give "sanctuary" a try and the actor who plays Todd in SGA is in it playing two separate characters and he uses his Todd voice for both, one with his real face....its odd.

Basically the program is based around a facility run by Amanda Tappings character called the sanctuary were she house creature needing shelter, helps the one who have problems and imprisons the dangerous ones. She recruits a doctor of forensics and phycology for he impressive observational skills and he unrealized ties to the creatures she protects. along with Tappings daughter, a techy caretaker and a big foot butler they go out into the world investigating, trapping and containing monsters.

So much CG, not really for the creatures but almost every bit of the set and allot of the environment. Most of it is benign background CG and can go unnoticed but some elements are on the screen far too long for you to not realize it and allot of the "Hero assets" could do with a bit more work though they could argue that it is ment to seem magically unnatural.


I keep seeing plot points and even a whole episode stolen from stargate


Quick summary of my thoughts so far to be updated when i watch new episode or if I remember something worth noting.

Episode 1-2

It was a fair introduction, while still leaving questions unanswered to keep you wanting to know. It was a bit predictable with some of the story elements but i was entertained anyway.

Episode 3

A bit vanilla but introduces some shadow villains.

Episode 5

When you think about how much this episode would cost they did amazing entertainment to cost.

I Liked the "who dun it" approach but it seemed to end abruptly compared to the buildup.

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