Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Health and safety

Film and Television Guidelines

My work was filmed inside college distantly limiting the number of potential hazards, i looked into the health and safety guidelines for film, most of the were concerned with thing far out of my league like helicopter safety and fair treatment of stunt animals.

Good Health and safety recourses:

In passed projects i have had to cover most common Safety problems like cables, weighting equipment etc

Thankfully i didn't have to cover all these:

Guideline No. 1 Communication Regarding Hazardous Procedures
Guideline No. 2 Seat Belts and Harnesses for Vehicles and Roll Cages
Guideline No. 3 Gasoline-Operated Equipment
Guideline No. 4 Hazardous Materials (WHMIS)
Guideline No. 5 Underwater Stunts and Underwater Film Operations
Guideline No. 6 Skydiving
Guideline No. 7 "High Fall"
Guideline No. 8 Animal Handling
Guideline No. 9 Use of Exotic Venomous Reptiles
Guideline No. 10 Multiple Dressing Room Units
Guideline No. 11 Smoke Inhalation Guidelines
Guideline No. 12 Explosives and/or Pyrotechnics
Guideline No. 13 Electrical Safety
Guideline No. 14 Scaffolding and Mobile Elevating Equipment
Guideline No. 15 Helicopters
Guideline No. 16 Fixed-Wing Aircraft
Guideline No. 17 Insert Camera Cars
Guideline No. 18 Use of Firearms
Guideline No. 19 Camera Cranes
Guideline No. 20 Water Hazards
Guideline No. 21 Open Flames
Guideline No. 22 Child Performers' Code: Recorded Performances
Guideline No. 23 Motorcycles
Guideline No. 24 Hair and Make-up
Guideline No. 25 Locations and Temporary Location Facilities
Guideline No. 26 Water Locations, Small Craft/Vessel and at Dockside
Guideline No. 27 Use of Propane

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