Friday, June 5, 2009

Why those props

There is a reason i made those specific props as-well as the fact that out of the list these were on the side of the easiest to make in the materials i have available.

ROCKET LAUNCHER - Large and easy recognizable also a good prop to be carried around.

GRENADE LAUNCHER - Easy to make but complicated looking.

IRONMAN MASK - easy to recognizes, movie related and something from a film i like.

HALO SPIKER - Something from a game not a film.

HALO MASK - Something from a game not a film and the iconic prop of the game.

REPLICATOR BLOCKS - From a TV seres and simple to practice my molding skills.

TELEPORTER - this never god built but it was the closest thing to set design i wanted to do

COMPUTERS - I made these but decided to use 3D models instead.

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