Sunday, May 31, 2009


While working on this image, after editing in a couple broom a light switch, a sign and some posters i realized one of my 3d elements looked off so i stated adjusting it then i realized its actually in the image. I am talking about the mop handle at the bottom of the picture it looks 3d..or i might just have been looking at i to close for to long.

R & D

Just figured i would put the parts of my R&D that i haven't poster up here for marking. Any one who is not a tutor with the ability to fail me need not read lol.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Magazine Article

I saw this article in 3D world covering the special effects of a TV program called Primevil. this is a program i really like the 3d effects are not amazing but some of there interaction with real objects were well done.

3D: Framework

For each environment i made a 3d frame version to help me sit my modes so i could try to match the camera movements. This is the first one i tried and im using it as an example because i made mistakes.

This is the image with the grid overlaid.

Here you can see the places were ether the grid doesn't align or were the lines do not run parallel with the adjacent section.

Behind the scenes

These are a couple of behind the scenes shots of my filming. Its slightly redundant now that im not using the footage from this shoot but never mind.

Logging images and video

Logging footage, i hate it so much these three are just logs for my last lot of stills but when you end up with as menny assets and stock footage as i do you start needing better organization so that you dont look though every one for the one you want every time.

Spiker handle

This is the final of the build images for my Halo spiker, all thats left now is to paint it.

Scanned sketchbook

Chunk of sketchbook note, originally i was going to make an intricate tong in cheek script containg thigs like play on words and film title games so i statde making list of puns, film titles etc. I also stated listing porps i could make. Here are also some molding note that will also be somewhere else on my blog.

Friday, May 29, 2009

CGsociety articles

I found this page on CGcociety, it is filled with interesting articles and nice behind the scenes breakdowns of people work both professional and not. it was very useful for picking up the bits other articles leave out.


Youtube: Light saber

This quick video basically was made the same way as i was planning to do the light saber fight for my project.

In the end i did it with a series of stills using a handle and no blade.

The somber Jedi

I took a series of photographs of Rob to do the light saber part of my laboratory tests. This was just a quick test, will have to make a back plate for the shots and they wount look like comic book pagers.

Two bird with one stone, i made my CCTV look template and did my light saber test.

The video keeps messing up unless its played with the HQ button pushed.