Friday, May 1, 2009

Brute Spiker: Day 2-4

The two Pairs of coke bottle lids i glude together dryed and i attached the to the frount of the gun and left it upright to dry. I used "No more nails" to create a gradient beteen the higer level of card and the the lower level on the blades to geive the effects it was sharpend, thjis took 4 layers as the sealent recceds as it dries. when the all the parts of the blades were done and dried i started attaching them to the main gun.

After attaching both blades with glue thy were held in place until they dried and then using more layers of "No more nails" i build up the gaps were i had glued to make them a smooth seamless part of the gun.

It took a day for all the selent to dry mean whil i continued smothing and filing the other props. as soo as it was dry i stated making the back end of the gun in sections that could be combined later to speed up drying and it also means if something goes wrong i only lose a small part.

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