Friday, May 8, 2009

Twitter - Education and Communication (WIP)

There are a handful of twitters that im following that provide me with the same things, the reason i follow them all is because i get the information from who ever gets it first and get multiple sources for fact checking or comparisons.

Good tips on AE support and tutorials with some problem solving support.

A mixture of sperattic film information with some nice discussion topics and some random "i wonder" type questions that get me thinking.

The righter (currently doing his dissertation) randomly watches films and gives his opinion with related links. Nice way to pic a film to watch that you might not have seen in years.

Some nice reviews as well as occasional film festival info around europe.

Allot of "celebrity" news, mostly rubbish but its a way to keep up with the "important" entertainment news.

Up to date lions gate info about films, trailers and premiers.

Nice and informal/studenty feels like a group college discussion ....with more useful information about film lol.

Latest film news, festival info and competitions.

Basically its s film festival in london that has a website and runs competitions encouraging new film makers and running regular film related events.

Obviously mostly promoting Sony but i follow it cos it constantly pulls information from different sources which i can use and search to find posts and articles more relevant to me.

Good trailer links, not to the common trailers but the secondary longer ones give a different perspective on films some times changing my opinion about seeing them.

Lot of MTV current information and nominations for different award categories in different award shows.

Good resources links for digital media related things from horror films to portable applications for better productivity and compatibility with low costs.

Bigging up Warner related everything and general film news, often different review and informations site for the thing other people are talking about good for comparisons.

Its David Lynch thats a good enough reason.

Generally keeping up to date with the world i live in.

Again AE help and support, its a new twitter but is looking good.

Updated by Andrew Kramer my favorite tutorial maker, working for Video copilot one of the best AE tutorial site around.

The twitter face to a website were people can talk about anything motion graphic related and help each other out.

Pulling in resource and opportunities to enter competitions from all over the web though mostly in screen plays there is some good short films information.

Huge continues list of film/script/actor news, very wide and random topics.

Reviews of films and TV seres as-well as information thats film related not just about a specific film such as theater closers due to swine flue and filming in different countries.

Someone who reviews films and trailers as he watches them.

Everything Horror, the site is filled with horror films reviews and events and people are kept up to date with the new via twitter.

The twitter posts are done by an employe but they do nicely keep track of the work he's doing.

Ironman director, regular posting about what he's doing with plenty images.

Film director, trying to get an inside view of the film industry.

A more snooty/ professional look at film and film related topics.

Scifi in its nerdiest form, Startrek, star wars and Battlestar Galactica and its actors

Scifi and Anime reviewing trailers and films.

Lot of general film chat, this twitter likes to talk to the people following.

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