Monday, April 6, 2009

Film Decades

Spent some more time in the lybri unfotunatly for me no matter how hard i try i only seem to be able to retain about 10% of what i read and usualy have to go back and re read things a couple times.

recently i have been reading though the TASCHEN seres titled "movies of the 30s" "movies of the 40s" etc to try get a feel for the order and origins of film, as a bonus i get to notice little unhelpful but interesting things every so often like that fact that some of the first cinemas cost 5-cents to get into so were called "Nickelodeons" which is were the sky channel got its name.

I haven't found any explanation for the "new constructivism" style covers, in fact i was very shocked that i recognized them as being of that style.

Heres a quick over view:

1920's - The Pre-Talkies Silent Era and huge sets (Swedish studios in the lead)

1930's - The Talkies and the Growth of the Studios (Around the Depression)

1940's - The War and Post-War Years, the Beginnings of Film Noir

1950's - The Cold War and Post-Classical Era, the Era of Epic Films and the Threat of Television

1960's - The End of the Hollywood Studio System, and the Era of Independent, Underground Cinema

1970's - The American "New Wave" and the Advent of the Block-buster Film

1980's - Teen-Oriented Angst Films, and the Dawn of the Sequel, with More Blockbusters. Lots of European/ early french Nouvelle vague influences.

1990's - The Rise of Computer-Generated Films; also the Decade of Remakes, Re-releases, and More Sequels

2000's - The New Millennium and an Age of Advanced Special Effects

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