Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why use cardboard?

One of the threee main points is that its all recylceld materials. everything i used has already been discarded from it original purpose.

The second point is the cost, i have little to no budget and the material costs of using wood or plastics is hight total cost of uysing plastic modling for the whole project exceeds £200 without considering mistakes or alterations. The total cost of using cardboard is less then £10 when all the glues and sealants are considered.

Simple paper can be turned into amazing things, the only down side is its lack of strength card has the same versatility but with far more strength.

"Learn how to make cool functional furniture with cardboard! Gomi Style is a DIY lifestyle and design show created by San Francisco Bay Area makers, artists and engineers using found objects, recycled materials, and technology."

"homemade cardboard thompson that transforms into a tommy gun"

Home made replicas of all the Halo 3 weapons.

A puddle jumper built from scratch using Stargate screen shots for references.

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